This Privacy Policy is a document containg a set of rules and regulations regarding protection of Personal Data of Users of the website (later on referred to as "the Website"). We wish to inform you, the Users, in a clear and understandable way, e.g. what Personal Data are collected by us and how they are later processed. The Privacy Policy has been prepared by us to ensure safety and privacy of your Personal Data, also to prevent their processing by unauthorised subjects.


Personal data administrator is Oskar Wegner Ltd. with its registered office in Szczecin, ul. Wojska Polskiego 156, 71-324 Szczecin, entered in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by Regional Court Szczecin-Centrum in Szczecin XIII Commercial Division with the number KRS 0000057584, NIP 8511049193, REGON 810861904 with the initial capital of 51,500 PLN.

In order to obtain additional information regarding the processing of your Personal Data, you can contact us by email:


As you are using the Website, we collect and process your Personal Data that you have provided us with voluntarily, e.g. when filling in the forms or sending emails to us. Moreover, we also use cookies and other similar technologies.

We specifically collect and process the following data:

  1. Your e-mail address;
  2. Your phone number.

We also collect and process information such as:

  1. types of content you watch while using the Website;
  2. types of content you react to while using the Website;
  3. functions you use while using the Website;
  4. your actions while using the Website;
  5. when, how often and how long you are active while using the Website.

Additionally, we also process data from cookies stored in your device and so called operational data related to you using the Website, including:

  1. identification of the final point of your telecommunications network;
  2. information about the telecommunications system you use;
  3. information about the start, end and range of your each use of the Website.


We process the data described above in order to:

1. Stay in touch.
The data provided by you helps us stay in touch with you, especially if:
1) you have asked us to contact you;
2) you have sent us a question or some doubts regarding the Services we provide.

2. Personalise marketing content.
The data provided by you helps us personalise notifications, suggestions, advertisements and other sponsored content sent to you and shown on the Website or away from it.

3. Develop.
The data provided by you we use to monitor and analyse the way you use the Website so that we can improve it and adjust it to the needs and behaviours of Users.

4. Storage and statistics.
The data provided by you we use for storage and statistics reasons.


Personal Data of the Users is processed by us pursuant to the Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 from April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing directive 95/46/EC (later on „RODO”), especially pursuant to the following articles:

  1. article 6 section 1 letter a, according to which the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.
    Article 6 section 1 letter a is the legal grounds for processing data for purposes labeled as Contact, Marketing, Development, Storage and Statistics.
  2. article 6 section 1 letter b, according to which processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
    Article 6 section 1 letter b is the legal grounds for processing data for purposes labeled as Contact, Development.
  3. article 6 section 1 letter f, according to which processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the administrator or by a third party.
    Article 6 section 1 letter f is the legal grounds for processing data for purposes labeled as Contact, Marketing, Development, Storage and Statistics.


Cookie files (so called cookies) are tiny bits of text which while you are using the Website are sent to the device you are using in order to connect to the Website (e.g. an internet browser), and then, during your next visits in the Website, they are sent back to the Website. It means that these files:

  1. are recorded in the memory of your device (a computer, a phone etc.);
  2. they help you, among others, to use all functions available to you on the Website;
  3. they do not change any settings of your device.

Cookies are used for the purposes described above, especially in order to record your session, to give you access to other functions of the Website, and also for statistics and marketing reasons.

It is common that software for browsing internet websites by default allows for cookies storage on the device you are using to go to the website, however you can change it at any point. You can find more details on this topic in the settings of the software you are using (e.g. an internet browser).


We can disclose your personal data to other subjects, called recipients. A recipient is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. The recipients we disclose your personal data to are:

  1. subcontractors, that is persons we cooperate with in relation to the Services provided by us; they are especially entities providing services such as hosting, communication support, advertising, analytics and IT;
  2. subjects enetitled to obtain your personal data by law, e.g. law enforcement and other institutions.


The data processed pursuant to article 6 section 1 letter a of RODO we process only until you effectively withdraw your consent to the processing.

The data processed pursuant to article 6 section 1 letter b of RODO we process only until you effectively demand to have your data erased.

The data processed pursuant to article 6 section 1 letter f of RODO we process only until you effectively object against having your data processed, unless there are valid legitimate reasons for their processing overriding your interests, rights and freedoms or the grounds for establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.


The data we process can be transferred to countries which do not have regulations of personal data protection similar to those in the European Economic Area. One of such countries is e.g. The United States. Thus, transfer of your personal data takes place on grounds of standard contractual clauses in which both parties take up the obligation to provide a proper level of security of your personal data.


As regards your personal data processing you have the right to:

  1. access your Personal Data, including obtaining copies;
  2. rectify your Personal Data;
  3. erase your Personal Data;
  4. limit the processing of your Personal Data
  5. transfer your Personal Data to another administrator.

Moreover, at any moment, you have the right to object against having your data processed:

  1. for reasons relating to your particular situation – against processing your personal data on grounds of our legitimate interests, including profiling;
  2. if your personal data is processed for direct marketing, including profiling, to the extent that processing is related to direct marketing.

In case your data is processed pursuant to your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any moment not affecting the legitimacy of the processing done before your consent was withdrawn.

If you think that your personal data is processed by us unlawfully, you have the right to complain to the President of Personal Data Protection Office.

2022 © Oskar Wegner Sp. z o.o., ul.Storrady-Świętosławy 1B/311, 71-602 Szczecin